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CCD-Rayuela Summit.png

1 March 2023

Onsite    Valencia Local Police Headquarters

                 Avenida del Cid, 37, Valencia (Spain)

Online    Link to be sent to participants via email

The International Summit on Youth and Cybercrime will take place within the framework of CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects, initiatives funded by the European Union to understand the drivers of cyber criminality and research methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour.


Hosted by Valencia Local Police in the city of Valencia (Spain), it will provide a platform for researchers from the CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects to present their results and main findings focusing on the implications for policy and practice. The Summit is intended to be a discussion forum, where high level experts in the field will share their research, best practices and lessons learned, from a multidisciplinary approach, to better tackle cybercriminality, with a special focus on young people. The audience will be comprised of policy makers, law enforcement agencies, research, industry and academia, education and other experts in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity.

Why attend?

  • Key outcomes of CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects will be presented, focusing on research, policies, and practice.

  • High level experts in the field, from across the EU and beyond, will share their best practices and lessons learned from a multidisciplinary approach to better tackle young cyber criminality.


Summit languages?

  • English

  • Spanish

    Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


What and where?










David Wright

Trilateral Research

1 Knightsbridge Green

London SW1X 7QA

United Kingdom


Gregorio López

Universidad de Comillas

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The content of this website reflects only the CC-DRIVER project group’s views. Neither the European Commission nor the Research Executive Agency is liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 883543.

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